Similarly, suggestions regarding use of technological innovations to protect environment in India have also been provided by experts of India. Even suggestions regarding e-waste management in India have been provided to protect India from hazardous electronic waste.
However, of all these initiatives, suggestions and schemes, one of the most important one pertains to the proposal to establish national environment assessment and monitoring authority (NEAMA) of India. NEAMA has been proposed as a part of Indian government’s initiative to bring in larger regulatory reforms and improve environmental governance. It will be set up as a statutory body under the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986.
NEAMA would be a professional autonomous body with domain experts, technological finesse and field outreach to appraise projects for environmental clearance besides monitoring compliance and initiating enforcement action. NEAMA intends to bridge the gaps in critical areas such as appraisal process and environmental clearances.
NEAMA would be supported by thematic appraisal committees (TACs) that would study the projects and recommend to the Environment Ministry for grant or rejection of environmental clearance.
Besides advising the Central Government in development of policies and guidelines on pro-active environmental management, including clearances, NEAMA would also deal with appraisals relating to coastal zone management. NEAMA may also provide the environment impact assessment report.
However, technological issues like e-waste regulations and management, green technologies, technological innovations to protect environment, etc must also be taken up by the NEAMA. Let us wait and watch the real role played by NEAMA in future.