Critical ICT infrastructure protection has also become crucial part of the cyber security policy of India. Although India has not formulated a cyber security policy yet when it would be formulated it must include CIP and CIIP as essential components of the same.
These days a majority of crucial functions of private and government are essentially connected with the computers and computers systems. If these computers or computer systems are compromised, much damage can be done to the country where such breach has occurred.
India has been indifferent towards issues like cyber law, cyber security, cyber forensics, cyber espionage, cyber terrorism, cyber warfare, etc. India has not yet ensured a legal enablement of ICT systems as well national security and cyber security policy to ensure that these crucial issues are adequately and effectively covered.
Experts feel that, India does not have strong and effective cyber laws to deal with issue pertaining to critical infrastructure. India is blind towards cyber law, cyber security and cyber forensics requirements. The IT Act, 2000 (sole cyber law of India) is a poorly drafted law and badly implemented legislation. It is weak and ineffective in dealing with growing cyber crimes in India as it is the most soft and cyber criminal friendly legislation of the World, says Praveen Dalal, Managing Partner of techno legal ICT Law Firm Perry4Law and Supreme Court Lawyer.
Even on the front of research, training and education India is a poor track record. We have a single techno-legal cyber security research and training centre in India (CSRTCI). The same is managed by Perry4Law, the exclusive techno-legal firm of India. CSRTCI is supported by Perry4Law Techno Legal Base (PTLB), the leading techno legal institution of India and a segment of Perry4Law.
CSRTCI and PTLB covers specialised areas like cyber law, cyber security, cyber forensics, cyber war, cyber terrorism, cyber espionage, corporate espionage, critical ICT infrastructure protection, CCTNS, Natgrid, NCTC, etc.
In order that CIP and CIIP can be protected in India we must have good policies regarding national security and cyber security as well as specialised research and training institutions like PTLB. Further, legal framework must also be streamlined to accommodate projects like Natgrid, CCTNS, central monitoring system (CMS), Aadhar project, etc. The efforts must come directly from the highest level like Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) if successful implementation is the criteria.