Similarly, intellectual property rights in India (IPRs in India) are also complicated in nature. They cover a range of areas like copyright, trademarks, design, patents, geographical indications, semiconductor protection, traditional knowledge, etc. Technological issues of IPRs in India are difficult to understand and apply. Cyber crimes are affecting IPRs like trade secrets and data protection severely. Techno legal IPR skill development in India is the need of the hour.
Perry4Law Techno Legal Base (PTLB) is the exclusive techno legal institution of India that provides techno legal ICT and IPR skill development in India. PTLB is also providing e-discovery related litigation, LPO and KPO support in India and world wide.
Both ICT and IPR related issues are becoming more challenging and complicated. Future issues in these areas would require techno legal trainings and skill development. The sooner we start this the better it would be for the ICT and IPR professionals of India.